Free Premium GPS Tracking Platform Account? Learn more

Your personal gift - free PREMIUM lifetime flatrate

You are a web project owner (website, blog, forum) or site administrator? Earn a FREE lifetime premium VIP GPS tracking platform account.

  Aktualisiert: 29.11.2019 Lesedauer: wird berechnet

For webmaster - your FREE VIP premium lifetime GPS tracking account is waiting for you

You are a web project owner (website, blog, forum) or a site administrator? We are looking for link partnerships and content partnerships related to the topic of our website. If your topic suits to our topic why not write about that? Earn a free lifetime premium gps tracking account to track your tracking device online. Example: You own a website about dogs. As far as we know dogs sometimes run away from home. So you could write something about gps tracking for dogs.

  • Outdoor activities
  • Sports
  • Motorcycles
  • ATV, quads
  • Boats, sailing
  • Dogs
  • Cars, vehicles, oldtimer
  • Travelling
  • Geocaching
  • RC flight, drones, UAV
  • Detective agencies
  • Property protection
  • Monitoring
  • Surveillance
  • Observation
  • Security equipment and hardware

There are many more topics so this list is not really complete. If you are interested in or you have already written a website article about your main topic and gps tracking just let us know. Just send us an email to the email address in our website contact and imprint.

Not allowed are websites containing following topics:

  • Porn
  • Crime
  • Politics
  • Rassism
  • Violence

After checking your website we willl create your FREE GPS tracking premium VIP account. Just send us the IMEI / serial number and the device type.

How to proceed?

You can write your own text, create screenshots and publish them. There is only one thing we want you to publish.

Copy and paste this HTML Code into your website content

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