Meitrack VT300 VT310 manual - setup instruction commands

Meitrack VT300 / VT310 vehicle GPS tracker manual

How to set up your Meitrack GPS by text message instruction commands?

This is your basic setup for your Meitrack VT300 / VT310 gps vehicle tracker. In this manual you will learn how to set up your Meitrack to connect with a realtime gps live tracking service. This guide will help you to send proper SMS / text message instruction commands like server IP, server port, apn settings and tracking interval.

  Aktualisiert: 04.05.2020 Lesedauer: wird berechnet

Short setup manual for Meitrack VT300 / VT310 vehicle gps tracker - how to set up your Meitrack gps tracker to connect with a gps live tracking service

setup manual Meitrack VT300 VT310 vehicle gps tracker howto connect gps live tracking service

The vehicle GPS tracker VT300 / VT310 from Meitrack used to be one of the best known GPS positioning systems some years ago. Meitrack company is still active on the markt, you can visit Meitrack Group from Shenzhen China here. Today this tracking device has hardly any importance. If you still own an old VT300 or VT310 you can still use this GPS tracker with many live GPS tracking services. In this manual you will learn some details about the most important SMS commands (short message service, text messages from mobile phones). With these SMS / text message commands you can connect your Meitrack GPS tracker to a GPS tracking platform.

Let's get started - send these instruction commands to your Meitrack GPS-Tracker

These instruction commands are using the factory default password 000000. If you have changed your Meitrack VT310 vehicle tracker password in the past you have to change 000000 to to your current password. We are using exemplary APN of cell phone carrier ePlus (germany / europe). You have to change these settings too. Please make sure that you are using proper APN settings. Wrong settings may cause that the gps tracker wont work.

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